I often hear people saying: “I don’t know what to write in my social media posts”. This is a common problem and you are not alone!
Here are a few things to think about when you write your content.
Tone of voice of the content you write
Finding your tone of voice is important if you want to connect with your audience. It's called social media so don't be too technical but don't make things too simple either. Use the language that your customers will understand.
Your tone of voice is how your business is 'speaking' to customers. To establish the right tone for you, it's always good to refer back to basics and work out the 5 'W's.
Who - Who is your audience? Who are the people that are looking to part with their money to invest in your products/services? You will need to take into consideration their gender and age.
What? - What are their likes and dislikes? What kind of language do they speak? The way you position your product/service should use this type of language to resonate with your customers.
When? - When do your customers buy similar products? It is planned or on impulse? If you can understand their 'wants' and 'needs' then you can make sure that you show up when they need your product/services.
Where? - Where do your customers go for their social media? What platform do they hang out on? A 20-year old beautician is going to find organic interaction on Instagram or TicTok than on LinkedIn whereas a high price product like surveying equipment will have more impact on LinkedIn because the decision making and buying process is a lot longer.
Why? - Why do they 'want' or 'need' your product/service? If you can understand the thought process behind your customers you will be able to create your contact that touches on their pain points.
Understanding the 5 ‘W’s will help you to create your business tone of voice. When you write your content avoid using too much jargon. Don’t assume people visiting your site understand all you are doing. Consider the new customer so keep it relatively simple. Focus on writing your headlines in such a way that you can catch their attention. When you start writing your posts write them from the reader's perspective. Remember it's not all about you, it's about how your product/service solves your customer's problems. Be consistent with your tone of voice as it will become part of your branding.
Personality of customers
Did you know there are four different types of personalities linked to customers? Learning about each one could help you when it comes to selling your products/services. Everyone likes to ‘shop’ in certain ways and likes to be ‘sold’ something in a certain way.
The Analytical – These types of customers like to have facts and figures provided before buying. Ensure you provide stats and data that show exact representations of the facts. These types have a good eye for detail and are slow in making decisions on a purchase so be prepared for a slow sale.
The Amiable – These types of customers like to build their potential purchase on trust, respect and friendliness. Building a good rapport and replying to and asking questions helps. Their final decisions to buy or not to buy are normally based on how you make them feel and the trust you build up rather than the price point.
The Expressive – These types are like a mixture of facts and a good relationship. They are, however, very fast decision makers so don't bore them with too much content. Give them the bullet points and they will make a decision very quickly.
The Driver – They like a quick turnaround when it comes to buying. They prefer the facts and sales pitch to be to the point and delivered quickly. They don’t like to be given a long sales pitch. It’s a simple in-and-out, job done.
Call to action
Do you have a call to action to tell people what to do after reading your post?
A call to action (CTA) is an instruction to a visitor to your social media post. It is prompting them to take some kind of action once they read your post. For example, buy your product/services, call you for more information, or book a free consultation.
Other examples of CTA’s are:
Sign up
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CTA’s are vital to potential and existing clients. They help to clear up any confusion on what to do next and make the client's journey clear and simple. Your content is designed to capture your audience's attention and the CTA turns them into paying customers.
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